May 06, 2011

Unity Game Environment: Hangar

This project was a continuation from the character brief here, this was to create an environment where you would meet the NPC I created. What I choose to do was visit the secret hangar within my story, here you would see the Combot assembly plant, armory for upgrading equipment and the main area where the player would get mission briefings, train, interact with other characters etc.
The modeling as done in Maya and then brought into Unity.

For this I had to create alot more assets than I have before in the same turnaround time. Creating buildings, rooms, stairs, doors, roads, signs and a gun to attach to the character.
With never working in a video game engine before this was a good challenge for me, I enjoyed getting used to all the features and creating something I think is pretty good for a first attempt.
One of the good things about this brief was learning the new skills in for Unity, such as creating sound boxes (areas where sounds start and end), interactive doors, interactive buttons, particles that can be used for water or fog, walking sounds that attach to the player etc.
In Maya I learnt how to back shadows and use normals to help create walls and floors.
To see more of the behind-the-scenes of the project click here

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